Behaviour change Training
Our interactive training course will help you learn how to apply behaviour change principles and approaches to achieve your behaviour change goals.
Learn how to:
Define specific behavioural objectives
Segment your target audience
Apply behavioural theories
Generate audience insights
Design integrated social marketing interventions
Use the social marketing planning process
Apply the social marketing benchmark criteria
Commission and manage suppliers
Measure behaviour change
About the training
Pass the assessment and you'll gain accreditation in the Principles of Behaviour Change from Griffith University, with an online badge you can share on your LinkedIn page:
Who's it for?
This course is for anyone interested in learning how to apply behaviour change principles to their work.
Delivered by:
Steve Menzies, who has 20 years' international experience in the design and delivery of effective behaviour change programmes.
Restricted to 15 Places
Price: NZ899.00 excl GST